Online shopping has gradually become the preferred means of retail globally. While this can be good news to retailers and brands, coping with the demands across different eCommerce platforms is not easy. In addition to the demand for product availability, the desire for a faster and seamless experience is the need of the hour. In this webinar, we will discuss why an OMS is a key element of the digital infrastructure of your business. It can help you align with customer expectations and make strategic decisions.
This webinar is the first of a six part, monthly series. In upcoming sessions we will cover several topics including Integrations, Inventory Management, Catalogue Management, Pricing and Promotions and Order Management.
What we covered:
What is the purpose of an OMS?
How can an OMS help boost your sales and improve the efficiency of your business?
What does an OMS look like – Short demo of the Anchanto OMS.
An overview of the benefits of the Anchanto OMS
Audience Q&A