The Art of E-commerce Pricing: How to Leverage Data to Win the Digital Retail Battle

An interactive webinar to discuss e-commerce pricing challenges with recommendations on alternative strategies that can help brands gain a competitive edge.

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June 27th, 2023

4:00 - 4:45 PM (SGT)

​Our speakers will discuss

1. How brands can stand out in the e-commerce market and maintain market leadership?

2. Why is pricing an important piece of the puzzle?

3. What are the best practices to adopt while formulating e-commerce pricing strategies?

4. What are the steps to follow for practical implementation of recommended pricing strategies?


Caroline Lie is the Enterprise Sales Manager at Anchanto. She has 14 years of experience in merchandising for retail fashion. She has worked with brick and mortar stores such as Debenhams, Metro Dept Store, and Central Dept Store, as well as online stores like Zalora. In the past three years, she has transitioned to a data analytics company, where she was dedicated to helping the company grow its business through data analytics. She is truly passionate about utilizing data to facilitate business growth.


Ayan Sircar is the Head of Data Platform, Digital Shelf at Anchanto. He has 10 years of industry experience in Asia and Europe, working at Lazada and DHL Supply Chain, and an additional 3 years at Anchanto. Throughout his career, he has developed a strong passion for creating Data Insight products specifically within the eCommerce and Logistics space.


Vageesha Sharma is a Product Marketing Manager at Anchanto, specializing in B2B SaaS companies. With a passion for storytelling, she creates impactful narratives for multiple products and solutions. She thrives on exploring the dynamic space of e-commerce and supply chain and enjoys learning about latest innovations in the retail sector. In her career, she has also excelled in customer marketing, marketing operations, lead generation, content marketing, partnerships, and events.

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